COVID-19 Information

The recent Coronavirus pandemic has changed life for all of us, with regulations and restrictions that are now a part of life to try and stop the spread of the virus.

To protect the most vulnerable members of our community, care homes, and hospitals; We are required to take new measures.

Here at Onpoint Care Recruitment, we have always endeavoured to offer the best possible care to those who need it the most. As a responsible employer, Onpoint Care Recruitment have put new measures in place so that our staff are healthy, safe and ready to work in positions of care and responsibility.

New policies and procedures have been introduced to our team, with extensive Coronavirus awareness training and risk assessments.

What are the symptoms of coronavirus?

In a lot of cases, the symptoms of coronavirus can be very similar to the flu. These symptoms include loss of sense of taste and smell, fever, cough and difficulty breathing. More severe symptoms are likely in the elderly or those with underlying medical conditions such as weakenedimmune systems, diabetes, cancer and chronic lung disease.

If the coronavirus progresses into a more severe case of pneumonia, people can experience shortness of breath and other breathing difficulties. This infection can be fatal, eventually causing severe acute respiratory syndrome and kidney failure.

How can you stop the spread of COVID-19?

To stop the spread of the virus, it is important to stay vigilant, especially if you are working closely with vulnerable people.

Washing your hands thoroughly with soap and water (for at least 20 seconds) on a regular basis is essential. To see the Government guidelines for handwashing, please click here.

But you should also follow the following guidelines:

  • Avoid close contact with people who are exhibiting potential symptoms, such as coughs and sneezes.
  • Cover the mouth and nose when coughing and sneezing and, if possible, using a tissue to do so, and disposing of it immediately.
  • Avoid touching the mouth, nose or eyes with unwashed hands.
  • Make sure all surfaces that are touched regularly are disinfected and cleaned on a regular basis with both alcohol spray and hand gel.
  • If you experience a persistent cough or high temperature, you must self-isolate at home!
  • Personal contact must be limited with no handshakes, hugging or kissing at work.
  • If you need to eat in the workplace, bring your own cutlery and crockery to use and clean this at home.

We have put together the following guidelines for our staff to ensure the safety of our clients andtheir care home residents.

Measures for our staff that have flu-like symptoms

We have put in place procedures for our staff that are in line with the latest government guidelines. If any of our staff develop a high temperature or a new, continuous cough they are required to self-isolate at home for 14 days. They should not come to work or visit their local doctor’s surgery or hospital.

Measures for our staff that are self-isolating

If any of our staff are required to self-isolate they will (wherever possible) follow the latest advice below:

  • Stay on your own in one room as much as possible and keep the door closed.
  • Avoid using shared spaces (such as the kitchen) at the same time as other people – eat your meals in your room.
  • Use a separate bathroom if possible – otherwise, use the bathroom after everyone else andclean it each time you use it, for example, by wiping the surfaces you’ve touched.
  • Try and keep your distance from others in your home, ideally at least two metres (especially older people or those with long-term health conditions).
  • Do not leave the home, even for food shopping or medicines. Order food deliveries wherever possible or ask friends and family to drop off essentials to you.
  • Sleep alone if possible.
  • Drink plenty of water and use paracetamol to alleviate symptoms.
  • Wash your hands regularly with soap and water (for at least 20 seconds).
  • Do not entertain visitors whilst you are self-isolating and do not leave the house for any reason.

If your symptoms haven’t improved after 7 days you should call the NHS on 111. You should also call the NHS if you are struggling to breathe or if you can no longer cope with your symptoms at home.

Facemasks and PPE (Personal Protection Equipment)

When our carers are attending training session at our training centres they are required to follow strict measures according to Government Regulations. They are also required to wear Personal Protection Equipment to prevent spreading the virus.

When working in care homes and other care establishments, staff will use the PPE Equipment provided and follow rigorous guidelines. They have been trained in the very latest regulations to keep both staff and care home residents safe.

Get in touch with us

Have a question or just fancy a chat? Get in touch with us today to find out how we can help you.

01424 255 513

Unit 1 Prospect House
Ponswood Industrial Estate
Drury Lane, Hastings
East Sussex, TN38 9BA